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16 Dec 2015 12:35:50
I'm deeply sceptical about any validity in the claims.

If you look at all the main criticisms and contentions I don't think they can't be shot down with a degree of reason

1/ Whilst McNally may be hindering our transfer activity with prudence, if there was any truth in with holding bonuses a public slagging match and lawsuit would inevitably follow, with the agents leaking the info to try and pressure us to pay up. This also would presuppose that the rest of the board agree with conducting affairs in this manner and I don't buy that either.

2/ Agents won't deal with McNally! Realy?! Most agents I'm quite sure would sell their own mother for their own benefit, so if we are offering the biggest transfer fee and wages for any given player then I find it very difficult to believe that they would suddenly find principles in not wanting to deal with him. And again those agents that represented Bradley and any other alleged victims would be frothing at the mouth about it because again they would want their cut. If it were breach of terms they would take us to the cleaners not quitely sulk and resolve not to do business with us again.

3/ as for Ricky Martin, if all of those allegations were true, why has no manager or player shown any objection to him continuing. If a hot young prospect like Josh was wronged in the alleged way, why did not only he, his agent and his family scream blue murder? In an era of player power and in light of this and presumably other allegations from other wronged staff might RM be held to task. May be not publicly (Although with twatter maybe even publicly!) but such a devisive and unpopular charactor would surely be marginalised or gotten rid of?

4/How from conversation from this one man who at least at the moment appears to work for another club in the FL, he can assertain that Lambert is universally popular with everyone he worked with who is still at the club is beyond me!

It could of course all be true, but it smells like sour grapes from someone with an axe to grind.

General Melchett




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